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The Philosophy Days in Uppsala / Filosofidagarna i Uppsala

D.Z. But was it not you yourself who showed that in practice no system of 2 I recognize that a more careful analysis of Kelsen’s texts – and there are many: as Michael Hartney ; 3 In this paper, I will use “Basic Norm” and “Grundnorm” interchangeably.; 2 In section 2, I will offer a view regarding the nature of the law and legal normativisty focusing on Kelsen’s work (at least one reasonable reading of it2).The argument will be that the Basic Norm3 is Grundnorm and Constitution: The Legitimacy of Politics. T. C. Hopton*. Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law and its doctrine of the Grund- norm has achieved a . 1Central to the works of Hans Kelsen, H. L. A. Hart, and many other legal theorists for legal normative systems Kelsen called “the Basic Norm” (“ Grundnorm”) oing ssay his on orget utline elsen heory irst articularly he ature Grundnorm and Constitution: The Legitimacy of Politics. T. C. Hopton*. Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law and its doctrine of the Grund- norm has achieved a .

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The validity of norms flows from the peak to the base. The whole legal structure thus formed by Kelsen resembles a pyramid. The law gradually unfolds in a gradual process from the highest norm, which is also the most abstract, general and purely norm-giving, to the lowest, which is completely individualized, concrete and executive. The validity of norms flows from the peak to the base. The ultimate norm from which every legal norm deduces its validity is the Grundnorm, the highest basic norm.

Kelsen used this word to denote the basic norm, order, or rule that forms an underlying basis for a legal system.

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He said that this norm may not the same in every legal system; but it is always  presupposed basic norm [Grundnorm]. This basic norm, therefore, is the highest reason for the validity of the norms, one created in conformity with another, thus  Hans Kelsen's pure legal theory and Satjipto Rahardjo's progressive law. In this theory, both of Kelsen said, the source of all that is from grundnorm (basic norms).

The Philosophy Days in Uppsala / Filosofidagarna i Uppsala

The second observation is of greater importance: the historical development of a federation or a confederation of states carries no relevance for defining the 2014-12-08 The grundnorm is postulated by Kelsen as something logically essential to explain the practice of legal scientific discourse. If the logical bases of this discourse can be explained in some better way, the grundnorm is useless. 2020-06-01 In Kelsen’s Legal Positivism, the sources of legal validity are higher legal norms. For Kelsen, law is a self-contained normative, hierarchical system, in which the validity of every norm depends on a higher norm. Ultimately, the validity of a legal order depends on the highest norm, namely the Grundnorm. Kelsen states, most generally, that "[b]y 'norm' we mean that something ought to be or ought to happen, especially that a human being ought to behave in a specific way."' 3 Kelsen … Kelsen, Constitutions, Coup d’Etats and Courts . Tayyab Mahmud .

Kelsen is most famous for his studies on law and especially for his idea known as the pure theory of the law. Kelsen’s notion, however, points to a norm presupposed by legal theorists and which is a condition of the possibility of a pure legal science, i. e., which excludes “everything that is not strictly law” (Kelsen 1967, 1) — e. g., ethics, politics, and value judgments in general, … 2 I recognize that a more careful analysis of Kelsen’s texts – and there are many: as Michael Hartney ; 3 In this paper, I will use “Basic Norm” and “Grundnorm” interchangeably.; 2 In section 2, I will offer a view regarding the nature of the law and legal normativisty focusing on Kelsen’s work (at least one reasonable reading of it2).The argument will be that the Basic Norm3 is Grundnorm and Constitution: The Legitimacy of Politics. T. C. Hopton*. Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law and its doctrine of the Grund- norm has achieved a .
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Grundnorm of kelsen is the highest norm

Kelsen used this word to denote the basic norm, order, or rule that forms an underlying basis for a legal system. 8 For Austin, law is a command backed by a sanction.

1 See Spaak, Torben, Legal  There is no higher norm than grundnorm. From the grundnorm, norm-making power devolves upon lower level.
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The Grundnorm is not deduced from anything else but is assumed as an initial hypothesis. A norm is a valid legal norm only because it has been created according to a definite rule. The theory is independent of morality.

The Philosophy Days in Uppsala / Filosofidagarna i Uppsala

Further a critical analysis has been drawn to come to a viable opinion with regard to the theory. Kelsen says that the normativity of law is based on a grundnorm, whose validity we accept through tacit or explicit consent and by doing so, we to all the consequent norms of the legal system. Hart on the other hand says that normativity of law is based in social practise. Kelsen’s theory of Grundnorm or Pure theory of law is not a balanced view of law because it only focused on the coerciveness of legal norm. Har t’s theory is more convincing than him becaus e Hart Grundnorm is the norm of highest order. Also, no one can question the validity of grundnorm.

The whole system is interconnected with other norms and there is a basic norm which is called the grundnorm. What this norm is, what is its function is still not clear.